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Web Technology
CE247 WT
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December 12, 2019
Welcome to my blog!!! Here you can view the practicals of web technology! Blog created and edited by- Soham Upadeo
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Practical 1
Study and Learn HTML tags along with necessary attributes.
Practical 2
Create Personal Home page using all above HTML tags in following template using Notepad ONLY.
Part 2 Practical 1
Repeat Practical 2 of Part 1 using HTML 5. Observe and write the differences between HTML 4 and HTML 5
Part 2 Practical 2
Create registration form for social networking website using HTML5 form tag and attributes.
Part 2 Practical 3
If you could take the perfect trip, where would yo...
Part 2 Practical 5
Installation and configuration of BootStrap. Creat...
Part 3 Practical 2
Create a webpage to show the dinner menu for a res...
Part 4 Practical 2
Create a program that displays the short introduct...
Part 4 Practical 3
Create a webpage that displays some famous quotes ...
Part 5 Practical 1
Create JavaScript function for basic arithmetic op...
Part 5 Practical 2
Write a JavaScript which validate all controls and...
Extra Practical
ExtraPractical : Create one webpage with use of gi...
Part 6 Practical 1
Implement following tasks using jQuery: Sliding ...
Part 6 Practical 2
Create a simple and interactive Login form using J...
Part 6 Practical 3
Write a JQuery code to send login information (ach...
Part 6 Practical 4
Create a webpage to show the dinner menu for a res...
Part 6 Practical 5
Create Hello World program using Node.js.
Part 7 Practical 1
Installation and configuration of WAMP/XAMPP
Part 7 Practical 2
Study and demonstrate php syntax, data type, varia...
Part 7 Practical 3
Study and demonstrate mysqli connection and CRUID ...
Part 7 Practical 4
Create a simple registration and login system usin...
Part 7 Practical 5
Install, Configure, And Troubleshoot Linux Web Ser...
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